Friday, September 05, 2008

Getting TUFF

As I mentioned this week, my sister has a film in the Toronto Urban Film Festival this week and now is your chance to see it and vote! Below is a description of the film and festival in her words. Enjoy and don't forget to vote!


Ok, so you all know about the Toronto International Film Festival happening this week. But underground there is a hipper, quieter, simpler festival happening called the Toronto Urban Film Festival. The films are silent, 60 second pieces that play in rotation on subway monitors over 10 days. My entry is titled ‘Gayla’s Garden’, inspired by and featuring Gayla Trail masterfully edited by Beau Dickson, and shot and directed by yours truly!

So, if you are in the subway this Sunday, look up to the monitors and you may just see it playing. It will be in rotation throughout that day.

You can also see it here and VOTE:

Cheers, and happy Autumn!

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