Tuesday, October 26, 2010

mudroom - the bench

One of the items on my list of things to do before the baby comes was to build a little bench for the mudroom. A while back I fell in love with this bench and thought that one similar would be perfect for the room.

I managed to score some reclaimed wood from my best friend's dad and I ordered the legs from hairpinlegs.com. Then something magical happened: I went to my book club* Friday night and when I returned the bench was finished! Mark had put it together while I was out and I could not be happier with the results. I LOVE IT.

Next on the list is to put some framing around the window and make a blind of some sort. I'd also like to find some baskets to put under the bench and put some hooks up on the other wall. Stay tuned!

*My book club consists of reading a book with 3 of my good friends and then we meet for dinner somewhere, discuss it for five minutes and then chat about other things for 2-3 hours. :)