Saturday, May 07, 2011

an ode to my mom

Four generations: (R to L) My grandmother, me, my mom at 24 or so [almost 10 years after I had my first!] and my great grandmother

It's very strange how becoming a mother changes you. When I hear of something that has happened to a child on the news, my heart feels like it's tearing in two as though it were my own child. Drool and poop don't phase me and nothing is better than picking up your baby in the morning to his toothless grin.

Most of all, becoming a mom really puts into perspective what my own mom did for me. She raised three girls on her own (not easy girls either -- all stubborn as hell!), and has worked her ass off to provide for us. I thought I appreciated it before even though I likely drove her nuts on most days, but I really feel like I get it now.

So on this first Mother's Day weekend of mine, I'd like to thank my mother for everything she did for us growing up. It wasn't easy, I know, but we love you so much for how you persevered. xoxo


  1. Thank you my beautiful daughter. Mother's give unconditional love and protect and nurture their children. You now understand this as a mom. Life also changes as a grandmother when you realize how much more you could have done as a mom, but just didn't have the time. Hugs are very special. Wow this is making me cry so I will get back to sewing something special for my daughter. Love Mom & Grandmaman xo

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom. What a sweet note she left!
