Tuesday, November 08, 2011

on the walls

A few months ago, we ordered a Toronto poster from Ork Posters out of Chicago and we finally got around to framing it and getting it up on the wall in the basement.

First I would like to get this off my chest: framing is such a rip off! I made sure to get to Michael's for the "60% off sale" and even with this discount the stupid thing was more than $200. Ridiculous.

That being said we do love it :)

It even has our neck of the woods: Mimico! Can you see it down there? Please visit our little neighbourhood. It's quite lovely with the lake and swans and such.

ps- I just learned that there are three NHL players from Mimico! Wow! I had better get those hockey skates for Leo pronto!


  1. lovely! i totally hear you on the framing costs...got something last year from michaels and cost me as much as the piece itself! i heard the flea market is where you can find framing deals.

  2. Got this for my brother last year and decided to get a poster frame from ikea to cut down costs. Love these posters!

  3. I love this print! While we no longer live in Toronto, we were both born there and it's where we met so I may head over and buy one too :)
    You chose a great frame - I know what you mean about the frame costs. Yikes.

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I have a Toronto framing shop and I live and breathe the cost of materials. I agree costs can be ridiculous. Please understand that many of our suppliers are absolutely gouging us at every turn. Everyone takes a cut from the framed item on your wall. The owner of the frame shop is lucky to cover his costs: his framer(s), the courier that delivers the material, the company that puts it in the truck, the company that sells it to the company that puts it in the truck. I sympathize with my clients, but please don't assume your framer is ripping you off. BTW, I was in Chicago and went into a frame shop as a mystery shopper in an average neighbourhood. Guess what. Her pricing was at least as high.
