Tuesday, May 15, 2012

nursery progress

My best friend C was over the other week and the next day she mentioned that she didn't get to see the nursery while she was over and "How was the progress?"

"Wow, you didn't get to see it?" I replied? "It's done! I can't believe I didn't mention it!"

So I thought, why not show YOU the nursery progress!


This room has never been organized. When we moved in, it was my sewing room, but then I didn't really like sewing in here because I prefer being on the main floor of the house doing stuff. It's also a spare bedroom. We have another nicer spare bedroom, so this is the one that gets all the crappy leftovers from my university days.

It's also (obviously) the catch-all for everything.

Last night I decided to start organizing in there and this is the result after an hour or so:

I know it may not seem like there's much of a difference, I did a lot I swear! Here's what I did:
  • Organized most of my baby clothes into two piles: 1. clothes that could possibly pass on a little girl baby; 2. BOY clothes that I've put in a bin to put in the garage a] in case I don't in fact have a girl baby for whatever reason and b] in the event that we decide to have a third kid and it is a boy (yes I know I'm crazy to be thinking like this).
  • I also had a bunch of maternity clothes in boxes and bags in this room which was really annoying me so I went through those and switched out all of my pre-baby clothes so I don't get annoyed with myself every morning when I try to find a shirt to wear.
  • Moved all of the books from this shelf to the other spare room bed (yes now the other room is starting to look like this room but at least there is a place for those books on a shelf in that room)
  • Moved the ironing board and iron to the spare room. I bought a nifty hanger to store it on the inside door of the closet.
Ok so here's the list of things I need to do:

  • Move the filing cabinet to the spare room (why we have a filing cabinet this size in the first place is beyond me!) and make a cover for it if time permits.
  • Organize my fabric and store in the filing cabinet like this!
  • Figure out if my sister needs her bed back/put it in storage.
  • Paint the room. I was going to leave it as is, but it's more of a bluey grey and I'm not sure it's going to go with the colours I'm thinking of using.
  • Set up the crib and get a mattress
  • Make a crib sheet (My friend C is giving me her crib skirt which just happens to match my colour scheme!).
  • Figure out curtains and rods (I got these from Ikea, but I don't think they're going to work after all).
  • Paint the side table and get some new legs.
  • Have the rug I have rolled up in there cleaned and figure out if it will work in the room.
  • Get a dresser!
  • Rework a mirror I painted that didn't work out.
  • Make some artwork with some mini canvases I've had forever.
  • Get a fun light for the room
Ok I need to stop making this list and get to work! Wow. Lots to do.


  1. I see a HUGE difference. Being a nutso cleaner/organizer myself, I appreciate all the little steps that get you to the finish line. I like seeing the progress.

  2. Thanks Susan - you make me feel better - ha! :P
