Friday, June 15, 2012

happy friday

Happy Friday! Mark and I managed to make it to the drop-in centre this morning where Leo's daycare goes every day. Today there was a Father's Day Tea. They made a bird feeder. It was so sweet to see the two of them working together. Well Leo didn't last long really - he wanted to run and play, but the five minutes they did work together was cute. I'm so happy that Mark made time to do this - it's these little moments that I love.

On the paint front, I pulled out my nifty Para Paints deck that I got from BlogPodium and whittled it down to two colours I'm going to test for the baby's room.

I decided I'm keeping it simple. I started thinking of a million things I could do to the room (stripes? chevrons?) and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to keep it simple. Who knows I might add something later like a fun decal, but for now it's just going to be plain 'ol paint. I don't have the energy! :)

I'm really loving this really light mint colour or the light beige (although I'm leaning towards the mint). I'll see what I can find this weekend and test it out!

Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies out there!