Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting there...

Bit by bit we're getting there with the house... this weekend we were able to add more to the kitchen to really make it feel more like home. I still have to make a roman shade for the window and then I'm done! I've ordered this fabric and can't wait to get the room finalized.

Until then, here is a pic of our new shelf!

We mostly put it here to fill up the space above the stove... I recently bought the print from Eva Juliet called Les Cuilleres which I am totally in love with. I also put some limoncello bottles from our wedding/honeymoon as well as an oil carafe from my husband's relatives there.

I also thought I'd share a couple pics of my home office.

I spend a zillion hours a day here because I work at home four days a week, so I really wanted to be a reflection of me. The walls are grey (I have a slight obsession with grey...), the main pic is one my husband took on a trip to Newfoundland a couple years ago, and the side pic is one from printspace called bird stack in red... My computer wall paper (which is covered by a bunch of icons...) is actually a pic from Alicia Bock from the Kindred site. I find it so calming.

So we're getting there! If you want to see more pics of the house so far I've set up a Flickr set here. After the upstairs is done I hope to have some befores and afters ('cause we've just ripped up all of the carpet and will be replacing the hardwood in the fall and right now it ain't pretty!).

Happy Monday!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

red tent blues

I had my first official craft market last week and it has taken me this long to talk about it because it was SUCH a bummer. Well the actual craft sale was a bummer; the company was not. It was held in a little neighbourhood unknown to me really, which is strange because I've lived in the city for so long and in many different neighbourhoods.

It didn't help that there was torential rain for the first part of the market. No that didn't help. But I managed to snag a nice red tent from a vendor through work so that was helpful. It was ginormous and we managed to squeeze about 3 other vendors under the tent with us. The other problem was there was construction right in front of the market along with a sign telling people to use the other side of the street. Not good. To top it off there was a festival going on down the street, which we were told would be HUGE driver to our market, but really it was quite the opposite because were about 2 blocks too far east of the festival to make a difference.

And maybe it just wasn't the right market for my stuff. I sold one thing and it was to my friend that I used to work with (thank god she bought something!!) BUT I have to say that the actual DAY was quite fun and a good experience (lemonade out of lemons right??).

First off M stayed with me at the sale. I thought it was funny that he wanted to stay at a girly market, but he was so helpful and admitted to having fun during the day. Also my sister K was there from the beginning and then my other sister S showed up and stayed the whole day. They were all so supportive and the marketing gene that we all got when we were born came out in full force because from the beginning they were throwing around tons of ideas on how to bring more people to the market and to my booth. I love them all so much for that.

Anyway I paid for two more market days which kind of sucks, but maybe it'll be better next time. Maybe I'll look into adding more colour to my craft stash because this time around I focused on LOTS of yellow and grey (my favourites!) and perhaps people are into a bit more colour. Who knows.

So enough blabbing and complaining! I posted some pics below from the day:

Getting ready with K

The construction (and the nice "parking spot" that M scored after he talked "construction" with the workers...)

The goods

K showing off the goods

Two of my sales people ;)

My sister S showing her crafty pipes

My very happy customer V