Thursday, February 18, 2010

my "I-need-to-get-off-the-couch-and-stop-watching-Olympics-for-five-seconds" lil top

I have to admit: the Olympics are taking over my life. This has never happened to me before. We're eating dinner on the couch in front of the TV, which almost never happens; we're going back and forth between channels checking out the scores; we're wearing a spot into our couch.

It's almost like that feeling you get where you really want to get off the couch and do something else, but just you can't bring yourself to do it. I'm really bored but really excited at the same time. I'm even getting excited for athletes who aren't Canadian because they're just amazing. I said to Mark last night: how is it possible that by watching people who are in the most amazing shape in the world, you, yourself, get lazy. REALLY lazy.

Well I had to do something about it. I had to make something. So during the commercials the other night I made a top. I'm going to a hot place soon and I need hot place clothes. So this is my little top.

It's based on those pillow case dresses you see on all the little kids out there. Also I made a similar one a few years ago.

Also I've been seeing a lot of people embellishing their tops (check out this blogger -- love her creativity!!) so I thought I'd add a little fun to the corner.

I realize the photo quality isn't great. I took this photo this morning at 7 which isn't the best lighting... but ya know... I'm impatient.

Happy Thursday everyone!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

the good 'ol days

I found this photo of my sister Stacey (left) and me (right) while I was digging through my boxes from the move (yes... from the move from over a year ago...). Ahhh these were the days... two little tomboys, growing up on a farm, without a care in the world, while we tortured farm cats.

I love this picture.

Also a little shout out to my Mom - it's her birthday today. Happy Birthday!


Monday, February 08, 2010

Mini-Me Apron

So I had this weekend all to myself. No offense to my husband, but it was great. I went to yoga, had a latte, went shopping for books (I got this one from my all-time fav author), ate left over homemade Indian food, and then I sewed for the afternoon. I worked on a little tote for one of my favourite soon-to-be 2 year-olds (she'll be 2 on Wednesday!), made another mini-tote and then kept with the mini-theme with a mini-apron. I got such nice compliments on the last one I made, I decided to use up some fun fabric I had to make one for the shop.

I didn't put a pocket on this one because I didn't have enough of the fabric and I didn't want to use something else. I think it's so sweet. Get it here if you like it too.

What did you do this weekend?


Friday, February 05, 2010

friday finds {cute}

I found this shop and had to share -- so cute!


Get these cuties here, here and here!

Happy Friday!


Wednesday, February 03, 2010


I'm currently sitting in the semi-dark, browsing through sew mama sew for new fabrics. I also just finished eating an apple with cinnamon in case you were wondering.

I seem to being drawn towards lots of dots.

What's inspiring you this week?
