Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the list

So I'm just shy of five weeks before I bring this baby into the world (providing he comes when he's supposed to!) and I have a bit of a list that I want to get through before he comes... (not all baby related.... more nesting related...). I thought it would be helpful for me to put the list here so I can get through it with you...

Write my task list for whomever they get to take over for me...
Organize my emails
Finish up any outstanding projects
- Done Work!

Baby's Room
Paint glider (we put it in the room tonight and decided it was fine as is!
Get new foam cushion for glider & ottoman and make cover for each
Hang pictures - done!
Get mattress cover
Get diaper pail/laundry basket
Add shelving & baskets for books/toys

Make and freeze meals - working on it!
Stock up on pantry items

Home Office
Clean and organize - so good to get it clean!
Make cushions for shelf/bench
Make/get a bulletin board

Make bench & cushions
Add framing around window
Add hooks for coats etc
Get baskets for under bench
Make roman blind

Bathroom/Linen Closet
Get baskets for baby stuff

Clean my car
Put baby seat in truck
Pack for delivery day
Wash all floors

Ok I'm sure there's more which kind of stresses me out. The thing is I'm not really a list person so I'm not sure if this helps me... regardless, I do know that most of this isn't really important and the most important part is that the baby is healthy and has a place to sleep... the other stuff will get done when it's done! :)

update: I showed my husband this post and his response was: "We're not going into hibernation for 2 years you know..."


  1. I almost never comment but first of all how exciting you are so close to meeting your babe! Second of all - maybe pack your bag first :) Our little guy came three weeks early and I was rushing around after my water broke madly throwing stuff in a bag!

  2. Yes I suppose I should put that at the top of the list! I do keep having a feeling that I'll be going early (which means I'll likely go late!!) Thanks for your comment!
