Sunday, January 23, 2011

Leo - 2 Months

Here's the little guy at 2 months. I was going to put this on my Lealou Momma blog but the more I think about it, the more I think it's a bit silly to have two blogs. This is the one I started with so I think this will be the one I contribute to solely moving forward for everything I do. Makes more sense!

So yes, this is Leo at 2 months. I can't believe it has been 2 months already. Time is just flying and I'm sure it will just get faster. This month Leo has been doing more tummy time (mostly because the doc told me to -- I keep forgetting!). We moved Leo into his crib right at 1 month and he's been sleeping very well for the most part. He had his 2 month needles last week so I think it's thrown his sleeping off a bit but it still isn't bad! We also moved from the swaddler to the grow bag/sleep sack. Leo was getting out of our swaddles every night so I knew it had to be time to make the switch. Leo is getting much more vocal; repeating noises that we make and giving us funny looks when we repeat his noises.

Today we had lunch with my husband's side of the family. Mark's sister has two boys and it's really neat to see all the boys interact with each other. I can't believe we have all boys -- it's going to get crazier as they get older!

So here's to 2 months Mr. Leo -- keep up the good work!

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