Tuesday, February 01, 2011

swiss chard pesto

Every week I get a Rubbermaid box delivered to my front door chalk full of fruit and veggies from Mama Earth Organics. Most of the time I know what to do with the veggies but sometimes there's something in the box that I just don't know what to do with. Swiss chard is one of these things. It all started when I was pregnant: I just couldn't eat the darn stuff (it was one of my aversions) so it sat in my fridge until it rotted. After my aversion subsided I didn't really know what to do with it other than saute it and I was getting a bit sick of that.

Last week I got another batch of swiss chard in the box so I set off to the grand 'ol Internets to see what I could make. Lo and behold: the pesto. You can make pretty much anything into a pesto so why not swiss chard?

I used this recipe and was able to use up all my swiss chard which was nice.

That was last week.

Check out what I got in my box this week:

Guess it's backed to the 'net to find more recipes!

Until then, I think I'll hang out with my little sous chef.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Leo is GORGEOUS!

    I loved reading about you two slowing browsing thought IKEA. Maybe I have to have a baby, too, in order to get someone to walk slowly with me through that place. Barry will only go in if it'll be a surgical strike

    The curtains you hung are beautiful. I think they look great with the rug. A little pattern mixing is a good thing.
