Sunday, May 01, 2011

34 is the new 20

So today is my birthday and all week I've been kind of forgetting about it. Not on purpose; I think it's my mommy brain. Or maybe it's just that birthdays aren't really that big of a deal anymore. I used to talk about my birthday weeks in advance waiting to see what I'd get or what events would take place. Now my brain is filled with thoughts and pictures of my sweet little boy (and family) and turning a year older has taken a backseat. We'll see how I feel next year when I turn 35. :).

Nonetheless I've already had a wonderful couple of days. We had a birthday brunch with Mark's family yesterday where they gave me an awesome spa gift and a little butterfly ornament to put in the garden (so cute!). And today we're having my sisters and my best friend over for dinner. Gone are the days of clubbing and staying out all night - but these days are better in my opinion.

I hope you have a great day as well -- it's May Day after all and it means spring and flowers are getting closer!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Birthdays used to be the biggest deal to me, and while I still try to keep the week-long celebration going, it's not the same as it used to be. I totally get where you're at (minus understanding what it's like to have a sweet baby). I hope that your low-key celebrations are fun and fulfilling. Welcome to 34.

  2. Happy Birthday! Isn't it amazing how little ones can change your life so much? I can't even imagine my life now without the twins!

  3. oops...just realized I commented while my husbands account was signed in...sorry! that last comment was from me!
