Tuesday, November 22, 2011


One year ago today, at 4:07 am, the coolest little guy on the planet was born (ok I'm a tad biased). It has been an interesting year learning the ins and outs of what it takes to raise a little being.

This past weekend, we had Leo's big birthday bash. The theme: safari. I ordered a little lion shirt from etsy, but it didn't come in time, so I improvised and dressed him up as safarish as possible. Here are some shots of the day...

We gave Leo a gluten free and vegan cupcake which may or may not be why he freaked out when we gave it to him ;). He didn't touch it and was quite happy with his blueberries and pancakes I made him earlier that day.

We saved the gift opening until after most of the guests left since the cake presentation was so dramatic and I couldn't believe how attentive Leo was while we opened up each gift.

Thanks to everyone for making this day such a great one for us. Happy Birthday Leo!


  1. happy birthday to your little guy...time flies

  2. Wow. Seriously? A year already? Happy birthday to sweet Leo!
