Monday, July 23, 2012

what I've been up to

Getting good deals on train stuff: table $25 (online mom-to-mom group) and construction site track set $49 (Chapters)
Picking flowers from the garden - loving the hydrangeas and rose of sharon in the yard
Makin' stuff for the nursery
Hanging out with Gramma
Going for walks with Leo & Flash the cat (he will follow us like dog the whole way if we let him!)
Keeping the cousins busy at a wedding with Thomas the Train
Attempting self family pics....
Dancing with Gramma
Cooling off at the park (I feel like I'm a bit of a paparazzo here - taking pics from afar)

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of Leo and Mark in the wading pool! It's like he's looking at Mark trying to assess how it's done :) so cute!
