Thursday, August 09, 2012

got some tips on caring for two?

I thought it would be fun to ask those of you with 2+ kids about what it's like caring for them. Advice? Things to look out for? Dos/Don'ts? Let me know what y'all have done to make it work!

Also if you have advice about how to keep your son from using your cat as a horse that would be great too :)


  1. Just go with the long as you don't have an agenda, the days have a way of sorting themselves out naturally!

    Take them outside as much as possible!

    Ask for help!

    Good luck lady! The time flies!!! Trevs is now 9 months old and crawling! I have no idea how that happened!!!

  2. This picture really cracks me's so adorable.

  3. Redefine what neat and clean mean! :) I have to say I've redefined a lot of words. It's the secret to happiness!

  4. The one thing that I was so thankful for when I had my daughter was that I put the time in to lay her down at the same time as her brother. Which meant she went down for a nap when he did. And bedtime too. Even if she didn't settle right away, I continued this routine and before she was 6 months old they were napping and heading to bed at the same time. Which was blissful.

    Two is fun. Especially when they start playing together and leave you out of it. LOL!

    Good luck! :)
