Friday, September 21, 2012

cottage getaway

This past Sunday, the fam and I took off to a cottage getaway to Bancroft. Mark's coworker has a cottage there and offered it to us for a few days. I wasn't sure what I would do up there that was any different than what I was doing here: sitting on the couch nursing Mila, but it turned out to be a really nice mini vacation.

Attempt at a photo with my little ones ;)
Family shot: Leo's ready to jump over the chair of course
Miss Mila hanging out looking cute
This is pretty much what Daddy did the whole time: read the same books over and over. Very sweet.
I was getting caught up on my books: Bringing up Bebe - highly recommend this one! Leo was making a mess with his yogurt :)
Daddy and Leo out on the boat.

Miss Mila prefers to be sans clothes most of the time
Leo is telling Mila all about his choo choo
This choo choo stuff is very serious business
Deep in thought about what to do next...
...tell scary stories!
Hope you had a great week too!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so great! LOVE the one of you and Mila by the window :) And Leo teaching Mila all about choo choos! So sweet! A change of scenery is definitely nice!
