Tuesday, February 19, 2013

florida 2013

Last week we went to Florida for what's becoming our annual family trip. Mark's parents rent a house for a few months near Ft. Myers and it makes for a nice getaway during the dreary months of February. The thing is - it turned really cold by the end of the week! As in 1 degree cold (33.8 for you Fahrenheit folks!). This happened last year too so I think if we go next year we'll head down a week later.

Also Leo just wasn't himself this trip. He was fine, but by the end of the week he started to act like a different kid. Yes, yes, he's two, but I wasn't diggin' it. Just out of sorts and barely napped. Oh well, hopefully I can get him back in a routine this week.

 I was going through these pics and one of my favourite one is in the last row above, middle picture. Mark's dad exercises daily on the floor and Leo wanted to do it too. So cute.
Mila turned six months while we were down there (Valentine's Day!) so I took a few shots of her. I want to have the same background of the other monthly shots so I'll have to do that this week! And Mark and I got to go on a date - wow! We went to a super random place by the beach. It was basically a gift shoppe/boat and jet ski rental place that had a really nice outdoor restaurant in the back with beautiful stone work and outdoor heaters that lit up like fire towers. We're not eating meat these days so we had some salads with shrimp (oh ya we're still eating fish). It was nice to get out on our own.

Hope you had a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I love love that shot of Leo and Enzo too!! So nice to get out in flip flops. I got Sidney that same orange rash guard long sleeve T that Leo's wearing :) And a green one for Carson!
