Saturday, June 22, 2013

miss mila - 10 months

Except for the fact that Mila is almost always smiling, this photo sums up what it's like around these parts right now. Mila is non-stop moving! I wasn't sure she was going to crawl on all fours because she was shuffling around on her bum most days, but once I put her on her hands and knees a few times she picked it right up. And she's fast!

Her favourite thing to get into is the cat food and water. She loves to munch on the dry food (eek) and pour the water all over herself and bang the bowl on the floor. It's very strange to have to think about child proofing again. To be honest, I didn't do a ton of it for Leo - we just made sure for the most part that there wasn't anything crazy for him to get into and led him away from the cupboards until he didn't try to get into them anymore. I hope to do the same for Mila. We'll see. She already has a certain look in her eyes that tells me she's going to be way more of a handful than Leo was.

Mila is a great eater so far which is fantastic. I've only just started giving her finger foods, but so far she loves eggs and she absolutely loves kamut puffs - next to cheerios they are baby crack I'm telling you.

Happy 10th my sweet! xo

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