Tuesday, July 16, 2013

miss mila at 11 months + a word on going back to work

Mila turned 11 months on Sunday and I feel like she's changed so much in the past month. She's eating what we're eating for the most part, she's climbing up the stairs (so far just the stairs on the deck), she seems to be communicating more with us and she's losing all of her baby fat!

She looks like a little toddler to me in these photos! Eleven months has gone by so fast. It's incredible just how fast it seems to go with your second. You've got two to watch, not one to focus on and all of his or her milestones. I was getting emotional because I thought about going back to work and that my maternity leave was coming to an end.

But then a funny thing happened.

I decided not to go back to work.

You may recall I had mentioned in an earlier post that I had decided to go back to work, and at the time I was 99.9% sure I was going to do so (at least that's what I was telling myself). But then I started thinking about my job and if I really loved it enough to go back this time. Was it what I really wanted to do? The answer was no. On top of that, my boss passed away, a few friends I had there left and slowly but surely the signs were piling up telling me to stay home.

The thing is that I still want to do something else to keep my brain busy. I have a background in freelance corporate writing/public relations so starting in September I'll be working on that as my part-time gig.

So that's it! Let the new adventures begin.


  1. OMG. Good for you. You are right - signs were all pointing to not going back.

    I agree though - the women who 'make it work' are the ones who LOVE their job and don't feel like it is a 'sacrifice' you know? Not saying you didn't love it, but well..you know what I mean.


  2. Congratulations on your decision not to return to your previous job. It's great that you figured out that it's not what you really want to do, and you didn't force it. I hope this brings some exciting freelance opportunities your way.

  3. What a huge decision Steph, and if anyone can make it work, it's you. Good luck on finding your next passion!

  4. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Congrats on your new part time gig. It sounds like a really nice balance between work and family

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Congratulations! That's a big decision and one that I'm sure was not easy to make. Best of luck with the new gig!

  6. she is adorable.. you do what you need to do to stay happy & fulfilled and then you'll automatically be the best mommy ever.

  7. such a big decision to not go back to work - inspiring. I'm on a leave right now myself and so incredibly torn. throwing caution into the wind isn't my thing (but I want it to be). good for you and Miss Mila is crazy cute (definitely worth staying home for). xo
