Thursday, November 07, 2013

Mila's photobook

A while back I bought another groupon for a photobook and this time I used it for Mila's first year. I love having these around the house and to have for years to come, especially because I rarely print photos anymore. This book is smaller than Leo's which I didn't know until I got it in the mail, but the quality over all is still great and I'm pretty happy with it.

The front and back covers (as well as the photos below) are from our photo shoot with Nataal. I was so happy to have these photos in time for the book.

Hope you're having a great week so far!


  1. looks amazing! can't wait to have a look through it!!

  2. Beautiful shots!!!
    What a lot of work mama! Isn't it excited to think she will have this when she is our age?!

    1. I know that's what I love - this and their little journals I've been writing for them!
