Monday, February 03, 2014

Say I Love You with Etsy + Giveaway

Paris Heart Map via Explore Your Heart
Remember those days back in elementary school when we gave little valentines to each other that came out of a box from the store? I used to love getting them (as I'm sure you did), but now that I'm an adult I love looking around for handmade cards I can give my special Valentine like these sweet ones from Etsy. Ok the first one isn't an actual card, but it would be very fun to get and keep on your wall year-round non?

I Think I Kind of Really Love You a Little Bit card via Sea and Lake
Bonus, these special cards are all made in Canada which makes my heart skip an extra beat.

A New Reason to Love You card via Ulysses Design (Instant Download!)

Ombre Hearts card via Sea and Lake
So here's an extra, extra bonus: Etsy wants to help you say I love you to your special someone by giving you a chance to win a $50 gift card so you can buy all the cards you want. Check out the nifty little Rafflecopter gadget below to enter. The contest will run until February 10 and we'll let you know if you've won!

Have a great week!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd love to make a handprint tree for my mom using my hands, my brothers, and my kids!


  2. Right now I tend to make homemade things, since i am not super artsy craftsy and wish I was. I think I would like to make candles for my loved ones. Scented pretty ones. And Sock monkeys, no idea why but I love those little things and think the world should share in my obsession lol.

    1. I love candles too. I used to make them a long time ago and would love to get back into it. Thanks for your comment!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'd make a mixtape (aka cassette) for my music-loving hubby...

  5. I would love to make a photo album. Everything has become so digital, I think it would be nice to have something physical to showcase memories.

  6. Such a timely question - after Christmas hubby and I decided that ALL gifts to each other have to be something handmade. I haven't decided for sure what I'm making yet but I'm leaning towards making a cool headboard for our bed.

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I would love to make homemade soap as it is something that would be used and its nice to be able to control and customize what goes in it.

  8. Hand-knit goods.... a really good meal... ahh so many things I can't quite do. But thank you for the inspiration, maybe I'll make some v-day cards this year!
    And thanks for the Canadian Etsy links!

  9. I like to make food in general. But I'm thinking a special onesie that he'd love for our baby-on-the-way.

  10. I would love to make a pair of felted slipper for my husband!

  11. I would bake squares or cookies.

  12. I would make a family photo collage

  13. I'd make chocolate cupcakes and a wooden bench

  14. I'd make something useful but fun - maybe a knitted hat.

  15. I would make cupcakes :)

  16. I would definitely make food - sweets are always the way to my husband (and my) heart!!

  17. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I'd love to make my mom personalized jewelry from my sister and I! We were in a bad car accident a few months ago, my sister broke her neck and we almost lost her. So we're all really thankful and glad to be together, and I know my mom would love something personalized with our names. Thanks so much! :)

    1. Oh my goodness Amber! I'm so glad you're all ok. What a great idea to give to your Mom.

  18. I've always wished I could paint/draw. Then I could make art for my family.

  19. I would make some pottery

  20. I like to bake for my loved ones - especially cupcakes

  21. I would probably bake him something sweet. He definitely fits the old cliché of his stomach, being the way to his heart!
