Thursday, June 05, 2014

On blog boredom

If you know me, you know that I get bored easily. Not with everything, but with many things (Ask my hubby what I'm like playing 18 holes of golf). It's kind of weird because I'm a bit of a homebody and I don't really like change all that much. Maybe that's why I get bored? I dunno.

Right now I'm kind of bored with blogs. Sure it's all over the 'net that the blogosphere is changing and maybe that's part of it, another reason that I'm sure of is that it's really close to those hazy, lazy days of summer where I'd rather be outside reading a book or walking with the kids than inside on the computer. I have some client work to do now so I get what I need to get done for that and then I'm off.

But when it comes to blogs, I feel they're so forced now. I can't stand how commercial it all is: product placement, splashy ads, noise. I've been a bit guilty of this too, but I try to focus on things I really believe in like Etsy. I find many blogs now remind me of radio and TV commercials. 

When I read blogs, I want genuine stories and experiences. There are still blogs out there doing this well of course and those are the ones I choose to follow. I still love the old school befores and afters, the DIY, the fun stuff. The bloggers who have fun writing and taking photos. They feel real. I can sense their personalities behind the writing.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with all this. I think as my kids get older and we spend more time outside together I realize real life is more important. Yesterday we spent the morning by the water and we didn't rush. We just walked randomly and sat on the rocks. It was fun to enjoy the sun on our faces and listen to their little conversations.

It was real.

Anyway that's my weird rant for the day. I'm off now to enjoy some more sunshine with the sweeties.


  1. Agreed. Just so you know, I like reading your updates :-) Nothing forced about them!

    1. I like reading yours too - so where are they??! ;)

  2. I hear yah! I want to find some interesting blogs. More importantly, some interesting people who happen to blog!

    1. Yes! Let me know when you find some new ones!

  3. Yes, yes, yes. I feel it too and I struggle with it. You know what I miss? The creativity. The unexpectedness. Now, they all feel sort of similar... fashion roundup, linky party, craft project with beautifully photographed tutorial... its feeling predictable. I know I fall in that trap too. The 'personalities' have given way to the 'polish'. And if I'm not getting anything "new", I would much rather be outside, enjoying the sunshine.

    1. Yes Jen well said - I miss the unexpectedness and creativity! Thanks for your comment.

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Yes! I don't want to read commercials. I don't understand link parties. I see the same crafts/DYI being done over and over. There are still some blogs I love and read. I love the ones that update when it feels important not because it is Thursday and that is when you post about X. And there is something to be said about just getting out and enjoying life with your kiddos. Blog when you feel like it. I'll still read you and I'll bet what you post will be great when you do.


    1. Totally Kelli -- I love the blogs that are almost random although I do love some features most of them are so orchestrated it's boring to me now. Thanks so much for your comment!

  5. Funny when I first started blogging I thought it was all about people telling their stories, the good, the bad, the funny, the experiences of life. Then I realized it was pretty fabricated world. I tried really hard to fit into the fabricated world. I researched, I followed, and I commented.

    At some point I was checking those stupid numbers on my blog - up and down, up and down. Mostly down. I had to have a reality check with myself. I LOVE hearing stories of other people. I love learning new things and pushing myself to limits that I never have before. I decided that I would just stick to reading the blogs I enjoy. The ones that talked real life. Whether it be fashion, travel, DIYing, renovating. I mostly shy away from the online contests. I have zero ads on my blog. Last but not least I stuck true to why I started document the chronicles of our own journey.....hoping somebody out there will see that hard work and dedication to something you love will pay off.

    Sorry....I rambled on...

    I like reading your blog, please stick around :)...and that second picture is freaking adorable. The kids look like they are having a blast! You are one amazing mom!

  6. Amen, sister! I'd say more about how much I agree with you, but these days I can't stand to be on the computer for more than 15 minutes. Enjoy the realness!
