Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Basement update

I've been getting a lot of visits lately from Censational Girl via a comment I left on her post about Vinyl vs Laminate flooring and I realized that our basement has changed quite a bit from my original basement reveal post and I wanted to post a little update.

About the floor, we installed vinyl plank flooring that looks like wood and we absolutely love it. I originally turned up my nose at the idea of vinyl in the basement, but when I saw the planks I quickly changed my mind. The vinyl is super durable and was installed directly onto the concrete floor which could be cold, but we opted for in-floor heating that's connected to our rads so the room is warm even in the coldest months. With the fireplace going and a tea in hand, sometimes we can barely handle the heat!

Anyway, on to the update. Hint: It's been taken over by the kids! (Just keepin' it real folks :))

I'm constantly on the look out for a cool tray to put all those bottles on!

In case you didn't notice, my oldest child is obsessed with trains

We decided to embrace the crazy colours that come with having kids and toys. We opted to keep the walls neutral, while adding in some colour through accessories and artwork.

It's been about three years or so since we finished the basement and we still really love it. There's not much left to do, but I would like to get a piece of glass to put over the desk as right now it's getting beat up by the kids' markers etc. Mark is also playing around with some ideas on putting some type of murphy bed down here somewhere, but that isn't in the immediate future. When the kids get older and all the toys are gone, I'd love to put in some storage and built in desks along the back wall.

So that's it! This is where we'll be all winter if you come knocking! :)

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