Monday, April 13, 2015

Meal planning my workouts

Ok so obviously planning workouts doesn't have anything to do with meal planning, but I was thinking last night that it would be great to plan my workouts the same way I plan my meals so that I always know what's coming up. I have been wanting to kick my workouts up a notch and one of the best ways to do that is to get in the habit of coming up with an exercise plan every week.

The awesome thing about the Internet is that there are tons of exercises to choose from. I've really been loving Popsugar Fitness. The workouts are short, but intense which is great if you only have a short period of time to get in a workout. We have P90X3 at home so it's easy to squeeze that in while Mila is napping or after the kids have gone to bed. The key is to make routines as accessible as possible so you'll do them! I've also started a Pinterest folder for Fitness which makes it easy to earmark the routines I want to try.

Ok. Here's the first one! Let's see how this goes:

8 p.m.: P90X3 yoga (30 mins)

7:45 p.m.: neighbourhood bootcamp (60 mins)

(25 mins total)

7:45 p.m.: neighbourhood bootcamp (60 mins)

1 p.m.: P90X3 Pilates (30 mins)

8 a.m.: Run with bootcamp class OR BodyPump class @ Goodlife

8 p.m.: P90X3 yoga (30 mins - the hubby and I do this one together - date night! ;))

How do you track your fitness so that you'll keep doing it?


  1. I have an app on my phone that has my scheduled MWF workouts! I also know I need to get some runs in because I have a 10km coming up (booking races is great motivation!), so I get out on either T/TH and Sunday for a run!

  2. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I'm exhausted just by reading your fitness plan ....
