Thursday, June 25, 2015

In My 'Hood | Heather Meads from North Saanich on Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Hi, my name is Heather and I blog at Swell Conditions – a lifestyle blog inspired by the ocean. I've been asked to write a little about “In My ‘Hood” and about one of my favourite spots in my neigbourhood.

We live at the end of the Saanich Peninsula in North Saanich which is on the southern tip of Vancouver Island where we're surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. We are generally older and upscale exurban couples and families that have settled here for a more relaxed pace.

The area has always prided itself on being a vibrant rural community. Ancestors of the First Nations people fished here in the plentiful Salish Sea and farmed on its rich lands.

Agriculture continues to be a part of our lifestyle with our community being a mix of residential and farmlands growing all sorts of fruits and vegetables and tending to many kinds of livestock. It’s not uncommon to see horseback riders on the roadside or tractors moving equipment between farms here.

My property was once a fruit orchard, but we just grow fruit for our own use and the leftovers go to a friends’ farm close by. We have a network of bartering among our friends and since we are beekeepers and fishers, we trade honey and prawns.

Our municipality supports a “fresh food movement” which means we are encouraged to grow and buy local produce, maximizing our land’s “growing” potential. The farmers’ markets that set up in the Spring and Summer are very popular and you can find many roadside produce stands and u-pick farms to choose from.

One of my favourite places to visit in my neighbourhood is a farm bakery & winery just up the road. The Roost is on 10 acres of farmland where they grow many items used to produce the food they serve including the wheat used to bake breads fresh daily. Their organic fare with a local focus is a “passionate farm experience” and we are lucky to have them in our neighbourhood.

Thanks for visiting my ‘hood and thank you Steph for having me over ~ Heather

Thanks for sharing your special neighbourhood Heather! For more information on this series, see other posts below. To share your 'hood please send me a note!


  1. Thank you for having me over Stephanie and for allowing me to share a little about my 'hood!

  2. I love Heather's hood! Beautiful, healthy and a near feeling of lost in time. Stunning photos that capture the pace perfectly.

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Beautiful pictures! I'd love to live in this hood. I love that picture of the tractor. Reminds me of growing up in Susquehanna, PA. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I love that shot of the tractor too! This is my type of place for sure!!!
