Friday, September 11, 2015

Summer recap // July

Somehow the summer is over. I'm not sure how it happened. Maybe it was the babies that were born, the weddings and showers we had, the weekends we planned, the cottaging. Whatever it was, it's over and September is here.

It was a quick, but fabulous summer. I thought I'd get back into the good 'ol blog here by sharing some photos of our summer divided into July and August.

Here we go!

The kids and I spent a lot of time together. Leo wasn't in any camps so we spent our time at the beach, The Children's Discovery Centre (neat place by the way!), splash pad after splash pad and good old fashioned indoor fun during the really hot days.

I also hooked up my Croozer to my bike for my first ride with the kids. Where did I decide to go on my first ever ride you ask? Why downtown of course! I got five minutes down the road from my house and thought I was making a big mistake, but I was meeting my friend so away we went! It was a great ride. We got to check out a few things happening at the Harbourfront Centre for the PanAm Games which was neat.

I got a lot of reading done this summer, with what time, I'm not sure. One of the best books I read was Eating on the Wild Side by Jo Robinson. This is an excellent book if you're someone who likes to get the most nutritional value out of the food you eat. Robinson goes through every fruit and vegetable on the market, explains the history behind the food and then tells the reader how to choose the best food in the supermarket or farmer's market, how to store it and then how prepare it so that it maintains as many of its nutrients as possible.

Of course we had a lot of picnics!

We also revamped our house exterior. Thankfully it's almost finished (it doesn't look like this anymore!). More on that in another post.

The kids and I went to Riverdale Farm and also to pet some animals at the Canada Day festivities in Cobourg where my Mom lives. Have you been to Cobourg by the way - it's gorgeous!

Last but not least, and this actually happened on August 1, my little sister got married! I put it in the July post because all of the festivities we had beforehand like a bachelorette party in Niagara-on-the-Lake and little boy suit fitting happened in July. The day was perfect and my sister was gorgeous. Once I see more of the professional photos I'll see if I can share them.

That's it for July! I'll be back next week with August!

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