Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Introducing Lealou Cooks!

Over the past several months I've been working on another project: Lealou Cooks! If you like my posts about food, this is the place for you. I'll be writing about whole food, easy meal planning, lifestyle changes and I even have a few simple meal plans for you to get you started. (Psst. If you like what you see you can sign up to get a free meal plan!).

I'm going to keep this blog should I want to write about something non-food related. We bought a cottage for instance and I'd love to share our adventures with that over the summer.

Until then see you over at Lealou Cooks!


Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Gorgeous Blue Ceramic Mugs

There's something about finding the right mug. You know, the one that has the perfect handle to fit your hand. Or the one that's big enough to hold your tea for at least an hour without going cold... There are also the mugs that are so freaking cute you have to find room for them.

That's what I thought when I saw these mugs from Free Folding. I can see myself sitting by a camp fire drinking hot cocoa or coffee in the morning by the lake. The colour is perfect. Now I just need to make more room for yet another mug....