we met friends of ours last night for drinks -- abbey and dave live in Belfast now and have for two years. we haven't seen them since then -- well dave came back for work last year so we hooked up with him for a beer. it's crazy that you can go two years without seeing someone and when you get together again it's like they've never left -- they're the same people with the same personalities with the same funny humor. it's neat to listen to abbey now because she has a slight irish accent. M says it's cause she talks fast now but I think it's an adoption of the language. I wonder if eS will have an accent when she gets back from South America -- probably not but she will definitely know more spanish!
goals of the week to do by the end of the year:
finish my skirt
taking a sewing course with Andrea
learn Italian
write an article
finish my maid of honor speech
make a new dish a week
pay off my debt (that's the biggie!)
take more pictures