the weather here in Toronto has been weird to say the least but I was happy to get a few really nice days where I could just veg out back and read my new book --------->
Consolation is a very cool book that flashes back and forth from Toronto 1855 and Toronto 1997... it's neat to read about the streets and scenery and know where they are exactly... anyway good read.
today I'm off to play in a golf tournament with M's family -- they have these reunions every 2 years and since I've been with M for 10 years this year I thought this was my 8 reunion but he said that didn't make sense so now I'm thinking it is my 6th who knows -- they kind of all run into each other... it should be fun regardess of what number it is. We get to eat lots of yummy italian food and play bocce and stuff -- hopefully the weather holds up.
I can't believe I'm talking about the weather....
Since i haven't been sewing (my machine is still in the plastic bag [yes plastic egad!] from when I brought it to the shop) I thought i would show you some random photos from our trip. We took 1700 photos so I hope you have some time... :)
That's me above in St. Peter's Square -- I was checking out the insane line-up you had to stand in to get it...

a street scape on a walk (of many) in Rome

pretty courtyard -Rome

awesome pic at night of Ponte Vecchio - Florence

looking out from our apartment in our villa in Poppi

poppies -- everywhere!
ok that's all I've got for today -- oh - I wanted to tell you about the new feature I added a couple days ago -----------------> I started a Twitter account so you can see what I'm doing every second of the day! :)
ps- my cat is driving me crazy right now! he wants to go outside so bad but I won't let him because I'm leaving for the day... poor Flash!
have a great weekend!