The dinner table at my Mom's -- I love her red wine glasses!
We're off to a friend's house tonight to celebrate the big '09 but I wanted to share a few pics of my handmade gifts. This year I made the same thing for everyone -- pillows! My little sister gave me the idea -- she's moving into a new apartment in a couple of days and wanted some new pillows for her new place. The pics I took of her pillows didn't turn out for some reason but you can kind of see what I made through the fuzz.

The second set is for my other sister -- I wanted to give her something fun to brighten up her living room.

And finally -- a set of pillows I made for my Mom. I think they look perfect with her couch!

That's it for now! I hope you all have a wonderful New Year celebration. See you in 2009!
love the pillows! happy 2009!