This weekend was my second appearance at the WychCraft Market and I have to say this one went much better than the first in terms of expectations. After getting some good advice from a respected blogging friend, I told myself not to get worked up about this second event; to have fun and just relax. Guess what happened? I had fun. I made some nice new aquaintances and even sold a few things. I also changed up my table a bit and people responded really well to what I had to sell. (unfortunately I forgot my camera so all I have is this pic taken with my BlackBerry... not the best quality but will have to do...)
September 27 will be a year since starting this little side sewing biz so I'm going to use that date to get things in order and restock the shop. I'll be putting in all the things I didn't sell and look to add a few more.
Until then I'll be parking myself on my porch to finish reading my summer selection of books (that's what I've been doing mostly this summer - that and watching the crazy storms pass by).
Here's what I've read so far:
A Novel About My Wife, by Emily Perkins (a kind of quirky but sad story about marriage)
Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating by Mark Bittman (this book really put into perspective how sad our current state of eating is right now)
The Flying Troutmans, by Miriam Toews (our book club selection -- VERY funny and quirky)
Currently reading:
The Lovely Bones, by Alice Seabold (super depressing story that I find too scary to read before bed)
The 30-Second Commute, by Stephanie Dickison (a book about being a freelance writer and working from home)
On the list still:
The Almost Moon, By Alice Seabold
Happy Sunday y'all!