I love how these turned out and almost kept them for myself to be honest. They're so simple yet fun at the same time.

These are more Pottery Barn-esque, but just as fun as the first set. I made a little loop out of the fabric to hold the button and voila!

I also made a tiny purse for a friend out of the tiny bit of fabric I had leftover from the first set of pillows. I shouldn't really show you this because the picture is really bad, but it's a nice way to use up material that would have been sitting in a pile. The one thing I have to work on for next time is the handle. It's a tad wonky. Next time I will have to put in some hardware so it doesn't flip around the way it does.

Ok I'm off to eat some breakfast and then start my day for the day job so have a great Wednesday!
these are georgous!!!