Happy New Year y'all! How were your holidays? Mine were splendid. My husband and I did a lot of driving to see family and friends and even took a little jaunt down to NYC for New Years Eve. There were a lot of cops on corners, crazy tourists (yes I know I'm a tourist but I'm not a CRAZY tourist) and sirens. Did I mention crazy tourists?
We're not much for the crowds, but we thought it would be fun to go and my step-sister graciously allowed us to stay in her apartment, so we took the plunge. We saw the ball drop too (I think). There were a lot of martinis (manhattans in manhattan...) and running before midnight involved, so I'm not QUITE sure if we saw it, but I think we did. There were a lot of fireworks anyway.
So, I don't really make resolutions per se, but I do like to make lists of things I want to accomplish in a given year. I thought I'd share my list here and then I'll check back throughout the year to see if I did any of them, and if I did, I'll check them off.
In no particular order:
-Wear more fun, colourful accessories. I wear a lot of black and grey and would like to add some colour to my wardrobe. I actually started this two days ago by purchasing a hot pink headband from JCrew.
-Organize my receipts in a nice Martha Stewart-like way. I have receipts from past freelance writing jobs and now I have them for my sewing purchases and I need to get them in order before my husband sets them on fire.
-Approach 1-2 online/bricks & Mortar stores to sell my stuff. I already have one interested person (more on that later!)
-Take more walks. I work at home and you'd think that would give me more time to go for a walk but sometimes I forget. In the summer I lay outside in the sun reading a book at lunch, and in the winter I eat soup, curl up on the couch and hide from the cold.
-Get the little things done that need to be done in the house. Like my sewing room for instance. Remember this room??? Well it actually doesn't look like that anymore. Really all I need is some bulletin boards and a few pictures and I'll be able to show you where I sew!
-Say Hi to more people. "Hi"
-Make more food from scratch -- like bread. This was on my list from last year and I really thought I would do it, but I just didn't make the time. I will do it this year.
Hmm what else?
Oh, I need to learn how to take better pictures. This is actually a biggie. I have a great camera that really, I don't know how to use properly.
-FOCUS. My brain zips and zops in a million different directions and I really need to just focus on ONE thing. Not sure if this one is even possible. I was thinking the other day that doing crosswords might help.
-Keep off the computer after 10pm. It's actually 10:14 as I'm writing this, so I should probably go. I think I'll keep updating this list later as more things come to my head (you know 'cause right now I can't really focus on it).
On that note, Happy New Year! May this year be a great one for you.
Happy belated new year! I'm jealous that you got to go to NYC for the celebration (but not jealous about encountering crazy tourists). Your list for 2010 is admirable, and I'm excited to hear about a shop carrying your pieces. It looks like the "walking with camera" item is coming along nicely - I love the water's edge photo that you posted a few days after this entry. And in case I didn't say it earlier, I love the new header. Good changes for the new year...