Friday, November 19, 2010

around the house

So we're down to 6 days overdue -- good thing I have a lot of patience! While we wait, I thought I'd share some of the things we've added or changed around the house in the past week or so.

My artichokes from Goodwill added to the side table

We added a stair runner so I wouldn't fall down the stairs (again...) and two pictures of our sweet nephews Sam and Max.

We moved this starburst mirror from over the mantle to the entrance way

This is one of the frames we got from Goodwill. We painted it black and used the mat that came with it. The picture is of the house where Mark and I met and lived for four years during university.

Finally, we got some photos printed from our honeymoon in Italy. This photo (on the right) was taken of a side of a hill with a zillion houses in Mark's dad's hometown in Sicily. The painting on the left was a wedding gift from my mom and is one of my favourites -- it's a road called Merwyn Lane which is in my hometown. I just love the colours and the rustic frame.

Ok the baby can come now 'cause we're running out of things to do! ;)

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