Our first stop was UpCountry and this was our favourite room. I absolutely LOVE this coffee table. L.O.V.E. We would also like something like this fireplace for the basement. The stone is a bit too polished for me, but the idea is similar to what we'd both like on a smaller scale.
Mark liked this couch but it reminds me of the couch my grandfather used to sleep on after his meals... a little too grannyish for me...
This was actually a wall in the basement of UpCountry (I think??) but I thought it was perfect inspiration for the barn doors I want to build for the basement.
We found this couch at Urban Barn and I think it's a contender for upstairs. The price is right and it's super comfy.
Some day I'd like to get some new dining chairs but they're just so darned expensive... these would go perfect with our harvest table. Too bad they're $259 each :(.
After all that window shopping we had to make a beverage stop. Leo sure loves his lattes ;)
sounds like a fantastic afternoon!