Tuesday, November 22, 2011


One year ago today, at 4:07 am, the coolest little guy on the planet was born (ok I'm a tad biased). It has been an interesting year learning the ins and outs of what it takes to raise a little being.

This past weekend, we had Leo's big birthday bash. The theme: safari. I ordered a little lion shirt from etsy, but it didn't come in time, so I improvised and dressed him up as safarish as possible. Here are some shots of the day...

We gave Leo a gluten free and vegan cupcake which may or may not be why he freaked out when we gave it to him ;). He didn't touch it and was quite happy with his blueberries and pancakes I made him earlier that day.

We saved the gift opening until after most of the guests left since the cake presentation was so dramatic and I couldn't believe how attentive Leo was while we opened up each gift.

Thanks to everyone for making this day such a great one for us. Happy Birthday Leo!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

on the walls

A few months ago, we ordered a Toronto poster from Ork Posters out of Chicago and we finally got around to framing it and getting it up on the wall in the basement.

First I would like to get this off my chest: framing is such a rip off! I made sure to get to Michael's for the "60% off sale" and even with this discount the stupid thing was more than $200. Ridiculous.

That being said we do love it :)

It even has our neck of the woods: Mimico! Can you see it down there? Please visit our little neighbourhood. It's quite lovely with the lake and swans and such.

ps- I just learned that there are three NHL players from Mimico! Wow! I had better get those hockey skates for Leo pronto!

Friday, November 04, 2011

cozy [clothing edition]

Yesterday I wrote about making your home cozy, but equally important is making your clothing cozy. Here are my cozy clothing options via Pinterest:

Source: etsy.com via Terri on Pinterest

Source: ae.com via Natalie on Pinterest

Source: gap.com via Veronica on Pinterest

Gotta make the boy cozy! So cute!

Source: zara.com via Gayan on Pinterest

Thursday, November 03, 2011

cozy [home edition]

This afternoon during nap time, I was over at Susan's blog where she was writing about nesting and getting cozified for the winter. I am not a winter person by any stretch of the imagination, so I too will be looking to make our place as cozy as possible. I did a little search for cozy on Pinterest and found some rooms I'd love to find myself in this season:

Yes I know this is outside but it's so cozy looking!

Source: imgfave.com via Molly on Pinterest

Ok this pic makes me want to keep my front porch in use for the winter -- so cozy to be outside with ho-cho & blankets when it's snowing!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


I was just checking out the fabric shoppe on facebook and noticed some new Amy Butler fabrics. They're so bright and cheerful! Here are some of my favourites:

I'm picturing a pillow for this one! I would love this for the basement to add some colour.

This would be so pretty as a headboard for the bed in my sewing room.

The blue version of the first fabric. Would love to see a pillow our of this too (or perhaps a pin board cover??)

You can never go wrong with some cream and black. Not sure what I would do with this one since I'm trying to add some colour into my house!

Check out more beautiful fabrics on the fabric shoppe and amy butler's website.