We decided to take advantage of the mild temperatures over the past couple of weeks to have a new fence and gate installed. It's something we weren't going to do originally, but to be honest, we wanted to clean up our yard a bit more and gate off the driveway so the kids could play in the yard without fear of them running onto the road. Plus
we had a fence we loved and really miss at our old house and so we decided to use the same style for this one. Here are a few before/during shots.
View into our neighbour's yard who share our driveway |
View on the other side of the yard |
No offense to our neighbours (they're great people!) but we just didn't dig the chain fence |
We had to get rid of a few branches to fit the fence right to the chain link. |
So, as you can see from the photo below, the only snag is that our neighbour to the north didn't want to change his fence so we're stuck with what we've got back there. When we stain everything, we're hoping this just blends in with everything else somehow. We're also planning on planting some grasses similar to what is on the deck (pic a few above) so hopefully that will help hide it as well.
Not sure what colour we'll stain it but
our last fence was black if you can believe it and we just loved it. It made the green garden pop (ugh I hate that word but it seemed appropriate for some reason).
So now that it's done, the snow can come... it's going to come in time for Christmas right? :)