The Junction Flea
Monday, October 28, 2013
We took a little drive over to Bayview Ave. here in Toronto to check out The Junction Flea which was being held at The Evergreen Brickworks this year. Yesterday was the last day and it was a beautiful day for the visit. Not a whole lot caught my eye, but I did love the laser cut wood trivets and coasters from The National Design Collective (they also have the coolest piece called a ubagaan which is a bench and a toboggan!), as well as the sweet framed photos from Elephant in the Attic. Leo loved the red truck, and we lunched on ramen noodles and dumplings from FeastTO, along with the most delicious fries from Jamie Kennedy.
Hope your weekend was a great one!
Happy weekend
Friday, October 25, 2013
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1| Pretty leaves 2| My favourite house on our street 3| Checking out the street hardware 4| Quiet snack |
Hope you all have a great weekend! We're off to a second birthday party for one of the sweetest boys I know. Happy Birthday Carson!
Happy weekend!
Stratford weekend
Monday, October 21, 2013
Mark and I were fortunate to get another weekend away this past weekend, this time to Stratford, Ontario. Every year, Mark's company has a dinner and theatre night; this year we had dinner at The Parlour and went to see Fiddler on the Roof at the Festival Theatre. It was amazing.
Usually dinner and the show are on the same night, but our plans were changed up a bit when we couldn't find Fiddler tickets for Saturday. It was a bit of a blessing however because we were able to enjoy our dinner instead of being rushed out to catch the show. Fiddler wasn't playing until the next day at 2pm so we were able to sleep in (Ok we slept until 8am, but that was sleeping in for us!), have breakfast and wander around town before the show. It a cold weekend, but nice nonetheless and it was so nice to get away once again.
Have you seen Fiddler on the Roof? What did you think? I have been apparently living under a rock because although I knew the name, I didn't know anything about the story.
My Mom Uniform
Friday, October 18, 2013
I'm really enjoying Lauren's posts about "My Every Day" and this week she's talking about her Mom Uniform - or as some say "Momiform." I don't take myself too seriously when it comes to dressing every day, mostly because whatever I'm wearing is going to get something on it whether it's crumbs or paint or saliva or snot or a mixture of all of these, but I do think it's important to put a bit of thought into what we're wearing as moms who work at home because I think it helps us stay sane.
For example, I'm not big on yoga pants. I used to have a pair of lululemons, but I lost them and I don't miss them. I always found them frumpy and too wide at the bottom of my legs and I would constantly trip over them. I think you can get the same type of comfort with a pair of stretchy jeans.
I also like to have on a comfortable top, but something that's semi in style so I feel like I haven't fallen off the face of the earth when I leave the house (which happens most times anyway - especially when I venture off downtown or when I'm talking to Leo and he thinks I'm wearing pyjamas). Like Lauren, I love to wear flats in the spring and fall. I'm typically living in flip flops in the summer and my tall boots in the winter.
Anyway I'm certainly no fashionista by any stretch of the imagination; my point here is that the clothes you put on in the morning can be comfortable and semi-stylish and will help you get through the day.
How about you - what are you wearing these days while you're hanging out at home?
On the walls: Gallery Box from
Thursday, October 17, 2013
If you follow me on Instagram you'll know that I recently got some fun mail from They were kind enough to offer me a Gallery Box with a photo of my choice so we chose one from our recent family photo shoot with Nataal.
I received a metal print a while back from and I loved the quality, so I knew it would be good this time around, but I didn't realize how good. My husband and I couldn't believe the quality of the Gallery Box. The photo was super crisp and clear (of course it helps to be using a photo from a professional photographer) and the frame used with the photo is high quality. It's typical to what you would see around a canvas piece.
We were going to put the photo in the basement, but we loved it so much we decided to keep it upstairs in the livingroom. There was actually a perfect spot for it under one of our wedding photos.
If you're interested in getting a new piece for your home, I highly recommend the Gallery Box. The process for uploading the photo is very simple and the photo came in the mail in a week or so. By the way, I was given the photo, however all reviews are my own. I really do love it and I'm considering getting more made.
Giving thanks
Monday, October 14, 2013
I'm not going to lie to you, my home life has become crazy. It's busy*. It's draining. It's a lot of work caring for these two kidlets day in and day out. Leo has hit the 'threes' (yes they're worse than the twos - my sister-in-law warned me), and he is always talking. Mila continues to be a screecher and a swatter**. The past two weeks in particular have been challenging. So I wasn't super excited to have a giant Thanksgiving dinner. I love my family, but I needed a break.
Somehow it was decided that we weren't going to have one. My sister and her boyfriend are in Mexico for a wedding, my father-in-law is on a golfing trip and my other sister has been working around the clock and exhausted, so we all agreed that we didn't need a dinner. I love my family, but I have to admit I was happy that I didn't have to cook or travel.
So what did we end up doing? Nothing. Ok not nothing. But we just hung out and relaxed.
Saturday we puttered around the house and went for a couple walks. Sunday we barely left the house since it was raining here in Toronto which was amazing. I'm so thankful for rain some days because it gives me an excuse to stay inside and veg.
We were going to do laundry, but our washing machine broke down so weren't able to get it done and guess what? That was even awesome. Yes I have a pile of laundry to do, but every time I thought We have to do the laundry, I stopped because I couldn't do it. It was one thing that was forcefully crossed off my list this weekend and I was so thankful for that.
Sunday night I read my book.
Today was beautiful so we drove out to Flamborough to Dyments Farm where we rode on the wagon, checked out the pumpkins and animals, jumped in the ball pit and played with some trucks.
We even took the long way home through the back roads so the kids could sleep and we could look at the changing leaves.
It was the perfect ending to the long weekend.
So I wanted to say thank you to my family for giving me the opportunity to sit out this Thanksgiving. I missed you all, but loved spending these last few days getting recharged so I can continue to look after these two little munchkins.
*I don't like the word "busy" as much as the next gal, but it is what it is my friends
**One who swats her hands at one's face
The importance of having girlfriends
Monday, October 07, 2013
A couple weekends ago I was invited to go to a girls weekend away at a cottage. The group of girls was from my university days. I thought twice about going, not because of the weekend itself, but because I was just at the tail-end of nursing Mila and I wasn't sure if leaving her with my husband was going to fly. In the end I managed to get away and I'm so glad I did.
The friends I went away with are good friends, but they're not girls I see all the time. Realistically, we see each other maybe once or twice a year. But when we met for the weekend, it was like we were back in our university days: non-stop talking, losing track of time, laughing our butts off, drinking beer & wine, playing card games I didn't understand, but somehow almost won, eating junk and sleeping in (Yes sleeping in! The joy!).
Not only do we have the memories of our university days in common, but now we're all mothers. It's crazy to think that when I met these girls in my second and third years at Ryerson that we'd all be mothers one day, but there, it has happened. We talked about the tiny loves of our life, but we also talked about what makes us crazy about being mothers. The tantrums, the poop, the picky eating, the screaming, the lack of sleep.
More than once I caught myself saying out loud: "You guys are making me feel so much better (I had had a particularly trying week). It's nice to know this is all normal." You realize that it's ok... you're not alone in this craziness. That's what having good girlfriends does for you. Girlfriends help you stay sane.
Somehow, I've been very fortunate to have a few different groups of girlfriends like this in my life. My best girlfriend from high school lives here Toronto (albeit on the other side of the city!), as do my two sisters; I have a fabulous group of mommy girlfriends in my neighbourhood, I belong to a book club on my street with more inspiring women, and I work out at a bootcamp full of amazing women and moms. The one common theme is that we all seem to get what each other is going through and we're there for each other.
At one point, everyone is going through some craziness whether you are a mom or not. Having girlfriends, and getting together with those girlfriends in person (yes, this is the key...), helps you to keep it all in check.
Now of course there are mommy wars and women who are going to make you feel like shit. But hopefully those aren't your girlfriends. As a woman, mother or not, you don't need people like that in your life.
So next time you're with your group of girlfriends sit back and realize that you are part of something extraordinary and hold on to it. These are the friendships that will matter most and will help you get through to the other side.
Princess Margaret Welcome Home - Oakville
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Well that week flew by didn't it?! I had a few 'deadlines' to get done this week. I say 'deadlines' because they were kind of nerdy deadlines. They weren't work related but they were deadlines nonetheless. Ok you want to know? I had to finish my book club book and finalize my photobook for Mila (I had a groupon that was expiring) by Wednesday. Oh the STRESS! Well I managed to get them both done and now I can concentrate on other things.
Anyway last week I was invited to a little blogger shindig for the latest Princess Margaret show home and wow what a house. There were a lot of bowling alley type situations that Leo would love and while he'd be playing, I would hole myself up in the master bathroom because, hello, it's a library too. Insane. Mark would probably be in the basement working out in the exercise room that is bigger than my house and Mila would just be crawling around looking for me.
I took a few pics (74), but I'm no photographer so my photos don't do the house justice at all. It really is quite gorgeous.
I have to make a little comment about Brian Gluckstein because I was a tad star-struck meeting him.
I've watched him for years on CityLine and have always loved his designs and style, but I thought that he'd likely act like a 'star'. Well... I could not have been more wrong. He is such a nice and down-to-earth person. He was very hospitable, answered all of our questions like they were the best questions ever asked, and he's just a funny guy. Oh and he's tall.
Or I'm short.
God my eyes are so wide and star-strucky.
If you'd like to see better photos than mine, head over to the Princess Margaret lotto website and check them out. It's pretty insane.
Anyway last week I was invited to a little blogger shindig for the latest Princess Margaret show home and wow what a house. There were a lot of bowling alley type situations that Leo would love and while he'd be playing, I would hole myself up in the master bathroom because, hello, it's a library too. Insane. Mark would probably be in the basement working out in the exercise room that is bigger than my house and Mila would just be crawling around looking for me.
I took a few pics (74), but I'm no photographer so my photos don't do the house justice at all. It really is quite gorgeous.
I have to make a little comment about Brian Gluckstein because I was a tad star-struck meeting him.
I've watched him for years on CityLine and have always loved his designs and style, but I thought that he'd likely act like a 'star'. Well... I could not have been more wrong. He is such a nice and down-to-earth person. He was very hospitable, answered all of our questions like they were the best questions ever asked, and he's just a funny guy. Oh and he's tall.
Or I'm short.
God my eyes are so wide and star-strucky.
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Yes my friends, this is the master bathroom/library of congress |
If you'd like to see better photos than mine, head over to the Princess Margaret lotto website and check them out. It's pretty insane.
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