So I'm not really much of a planner (shh don't tell my boss ;)). I'm a bit of a wing it, let's see what happens kind of person (I barely planned my own wedding!) That being said, I do like to know everything that is going on around me. Everything. But I don't really ask a lot of questions; I just try to figure stuff out on my own. (Yes this gets me into trouble sometimes...)
Where am I heading with this? I think I got side tracked (Remember I have a zillion things running through my head at any given time).
Anyway I think what I'm getting at is that although I don't like to plan, I feel like I'm going to have to plan for what I'm going to sew next because I can't get into it. I might need some fun new fabric to get me going, or maybe I just need to get off my butt and get upstairs to sew. Can I blame my book club book for not having the motivation?
Ok let's see:
- I want to make more aprons (for adults too!) so I'm going to do that. Let's say I'll make 3 by the end of February.
- I want to get more totes sewn and in the shop. I have a few cut out already so I'll start there. I'll aim to make at least 2 totes a month. So by the end of January I should have at least one done; 2 more by the end of February.
- I want to make something out of the fun books I got for Christmas. I'll show you those later this week perhaps. I want to make 1 thing every month or 2 out of those books. There really are a fun bunch of projects waiting for me to sew. This goes for all the fun books I got last year as well.

You forgot the 4th point, I want to finish my friend's laptop case :)