So ya I've been talking a about getting back into sewing for a bit now on this blog but I've never really gotten around to it. I've been a bit busy with this kid:
That's not really an excuse though -- he naps almost 4 hours a day so really I have that time to sew! As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been spending that time reading but I'm kind of in a reading lull. The books I want to read from the library are out (and I'm about 752-1025 away from getting the books!) and the books I picked up to read aren't doing much for me. So why not sew?
I needed something simple to start. While I was tidying up my sewing room this weekend, I found this:
It's my One-Yard Wonders book that my mom gave me a while back. It's full of super fun projects using...da da da da - one yard. Go figure. I flipped through the book and marked off the projects I wanted to tackle. Here's the list:
Folding chair pinafore slipcover
Instead of doing this for a folding chair, I'm going to tackle this one for my high chair. I bought some cute oil cloth for a cushion when I was pregnant and still haven't done anything with it so now's the time!
Mailbag pocket duo
I want to make this for my office. Right now everything either goes on the kitchen counter or on my desk so I want to have a fun place to put the mail and bits and bobs that come through the door.
Oven mitt and hot pads
Instead of making new oven mitt and hot pads, I think I'm going to recover the ones I've got - 'cause why not?
Laptop sleeve
I don't really need one of these but I think it will help me get over my fear of making one. I tried to make a mini laptop bag a couple years ago and it just didn't work out so this will be take 2.
Jewelry roll
I have a zillion pairs of earrings from the ever-so-talented Sulu-Design and necklaces from my Stella and Dot party and I don't really have a nice and safe place to put them when I travel. So a jewelry roll is a must on this summer sewing list.
Yoga mat bag
I have a strap for my mat but it came apart and I'm too lazy to put it back together so I typically just wrap the strap around and around and then tie it in a bow. It's time for a nice bag.
Skirt - done!
I might make this one but I might make this project even simpler and make Brett Bara's skirt from her new book. Aren't her videos awesome???
I've been trying to wear more dresses and skirts this summer but wearing a dress is hard when you're breast feeding -- I mean you can't pull the entire dress up to feed. That would be awkward. So I have to keep my eyes open for lots of buttons. This little dress looks perfect with the low cut neckline.
Petite diaper tote
I only use conventional wipes when I'm out 'n about (I use cotton cloths at home) and I store them in a boring ol plastic container. I thought it would be nice to make a fun wipes pouch for my outtings...
Flag banner
The little guy turns 1 in November (waaaahhhh :'( ) and I thought it would be neat to make this cut flag banner with his name on it for his birthday party.
So I think I'll tackle the skirt first -- stay tuned!!!
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